Author: Mireille Louys from Ada Nebot
Date: 2021-06-24
Nb of terms discussed together : 1
New Term: time.period.oscillation
Action: Addition
This term was proposed by Ada Nebot to consider oscillating phenomena
on sky objects and cover possible time measurements used in these studies.
This is a first term proposal for addition concerning oscillating stars, solar pulsations, etc ...
Use-case / paper reference example :
from M.Demleitner: Since we have time.period.revolution and time.period.rotation, as existing UCDs it's
clear we have to have this concept.
The label could be more general to cover general shape changes (e.g., quadrupolic) and not only pulsation.
ML: more discussion about the label needed .
SD: Avoid confusion with oscillator in atomic and molecular data (phys.atmol).
BC+ML: proposed term: "time.period.pulsation" with Label "Period of pulsation or oscillation of a body or a phenomenon"